Do you like Flash/browser games?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

restless times

After again thinking and thinking of a good storyline for a Modern Style MMORPG game still no progress on it or a title but I did have other ideas, that I wanted it to be 2 parts, one is player vs computer and likewise player vs player and bring them both together, with different advantages and disadvantages. The common goal of the players would be find and destroy the players, and also have some type of ranking system next to a profile system to track players and to log different items like I.P. address to keep cheating down and the fairness of the game stable.

Alright thats just me brainstorming a little enjoy.

Please comment and tell me what you think about it


Draconica132 said...

sounds good. maybe even add a few conquerable places on the world map? then whoever controls them are the only ones with access to shops there or something? idk just throwing ideas

Dark Angel Eyes said...

The biggest problem with a MMORPG is the server. I think the company who made Adventure Quest, Mech Quest and one other created a flash based MMORPG but they have a server farm I would say in order to host something of that size. If you can figure out the code for it and put it into place with your team mate and want to try it out I can see if my server up in New York can handle the load and we can test it on there from the computer lab if the Wiki cannot handle it. I cannot promise that we can use my server but I am willing to check into it. On top of that creating a secure way for multiple people to connect into a server at the same time can be complicated to build and put into place. I really hate setting up User Accounts in the database for the gallery part of my site which I finally got set up but nothing in yet.

Carl said...

i got webspace from for my website already. unlimited space and bandw. so likewise if anyone needs space ill be more than happy to give them what they need.

my current website is